Buzzing With Excitement

With the ringing in of 2011 comes our countdown to departure.  I’m busy getting wrapped up in my head with all the things that need to be done.

We are putting the house on the market in six weeks so I have been busy with a critical eye, wiping off sticky finger prints (when you really look they are EVERYWHERE!) We will be doing a bit of touch up painting, and re-waxing our polished concrete floors. FYI, two young energetic boys and all their toys reek havoc on a once pristine floor.  There is also a small list of finishing jobs for Mike to get the house to 100% completion.

Once the house is on the market I will have the wonderful job of trying to keep it clean…yuck!  We are hoping for a quick sale.  We live in a very desirable part of Canada that attracts lots of retirees so our housing market is still reasonably strong.  Our Realtor is also optimistic for a quick sale. (In a quick aside, I find it obnoxious that my spell checker says that realtor must be capitalized!)

I also need to apply for a new passport for Kayden as his is about to expire.  I’m filling my time now with research and dreaming.  Once we have a firm date for the sale of the house there will be a mad rush of visa applications, plane tickets, insurance, wills, packing our bags, and packing up the house.  I can’t wait!

About loveisliving

A mother of two, an environmentalist, and a world traveler. Packing up the kiddies and letting the world be their teacher.
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4 Responses to Buzzing With Excitement

  1. Shelly says:

    Can’t wait for your itinerary (or the general plan of attack). We are thinking we need to hook up with you guys next winter, James’ 4oth plus by then it will be 2 years since our last journey, seems to be how far apart our International trips are 🙂

    • loveisliving says:

      Oh, Shelly, that would be amazing! Can’t say where we will be next winter but it would be so fun to meet up with you guys! Just think of all the fun we could have! The boys would love it! Maybe if you have a time frame and a destination in Asia that you want to go to we could meet you? Flights are cheap once you are over there so that plan of attack could be totally doable. Let me know when you start some planning 🙂

  2. Aina says:

    I’m reading your blog with a mixture of emotions. I want you to set your goals in life and accomplish every one, but at the same time I want to hold you and your family tenaciously close for my own selfish reasons! I know, I know, I will have the options to come and visit you!! It’s almost ransom though! I guess it will be price I’m willing to pay.
    Go forth Daughter of mine and conquer the world! live your life to the fullest with no regrets ! Leave your foot print on the world!
    Always in your heart, remember I love you!

  3. loveisliving says:

    Could I ask for a better mom? You are an amazing woman. Thank you. And you WILL come visit!

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